WriteNote is only for quickly and easily writing note to Evernote.
WriteNote is append a memo to note in Evernote.
You can write a note be added to each day if you set the date in the note name.
This can also automatically record the time of writing.
Normally, when you press the send button, WriteNote is terminated, send a note of Evernote in the background.
By press and hold the send button, it is also possible to post a note in succession.
It is also possible to start the WriteNote from the Share menu.
Noto save to the terminal when the network can not be used. Save note is sent the next startup.
This is useful to write a diary and short memo to Evernote.
Evernote account is required.
Works with Evernote®
This WriteNote(Version 3) work in Android 9.
This WriteNote(Version 3) contains old WriteNote Pro(Version 2 or less) functions and other NEW functions.
However, purchase of add-on is necessary.
WriteNote hanya untuk menulis catatan dengan cepat dan mudah ke Evernote.
WriteNote adalah menambahkan memo untuk dicatat di Evernote.
Anda dapat menulis catatan yang ditambahkan ke setiap hari jika Anda menetapkan tanggal dalam nama catatan.
Ini juga dapat secara otomatis merekam waktu penulisan.
Biasanya, ketika Anda menekan tombol kirim, WriteNote dihentikan, kirim catatan Evernote di latar belakang.
Dengan menekan dan menahan tombol kirim, Anda juga dapat memposting catatan secara berurutan.
Dimungkinkan juga untuk memulai WriteNote dari menu Bagikan.
Noto simpan ke terminal ketika jaringan tidak dapat digunakan. Simpan catatan dikirim ke startup berikutnya.
Ini berguna untuk menulis buku harian dan memo singkat ke Evernote.
Akun Evernote diperlukan.
Bekerja dengan Evernote®
WriteNote ini (Versi 3) berfungsi di Android 9.
WriteNote ini (Versi 3) berisi fungsi WriteNote Pro lama (Versi 2 atau kurang) dan fungsi BARU lainnya.
Namun, pembelian add-on diperlukan.
WriteNote is only for quickly and easily writing note to Evernote.
WriteNote is append a memo to note in Evernote.
You can write a note be added to each day if you set the date in the note name.
This can also automatically record the time of writing.
Normally, when you press the send button, WriteNote is terminated, send a note of Evernote in the background.
By press and hold the send button, it is also possible to post a note in succession.
It is also possible to start the WriteNote from the Share menu.
Noto save to the terminal when the network can not be used. Save note is sent the next startup.
This is useful to write a diary and short memo to Evernote.
Evernote account is required.
Works with Evernote®
This WriteNote(Version 3) work in Android 9.
This WriteNote(Version 3) contains old WriteNote Pro(Version 2 or less) functions and other NEW functions.
However, purchase of add-on is necessary.